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Datenschutz-Buchrezension: “Determann’s Field Guide to International Data Privacy Law Compliance”

Viele sprechen darüber, wenige kennen sich aus: internationales Datenschutzrecht ist ein vielschichtiges Rechtsgebiet, dem sich gerade internationale Unternehmen zunehmend stellen müssen. Professor Dr. Lothar Determann hat mit einem englischsprachigen „Field Guide“ auf 152 Seiten nun eine kompakte und gut lesbare Einführung in das internationale Datenschutzrecht verfasst. weiterlesen


Bring Your Own Device: Data Privacy Recommendations and Technical Implementation

For many users everyday life without smartphones and tablets is virtually inconceivable. These devices have become constant companions in day-to-day life, recreationally as well as in business. Times when only a privileged handful of executives were granted access to active business communications and corporate data while “on the road” gradually come to an end. The following article shows essential parameters of pertaining data protection law and technical matters. These are facts companies have to keep in mind if they plan to allow employees to use their private smartphones for business purposes (“BYOD,” short for “Bring Your Own Device”). (...) weiterlesen


Data protection: using leased copy machines

Modern copy machines use hard drives for the intermediary storage of copied documents. Copy machines (usually) do not automatically delete the data on these hard drives. That means: The scanned data from the documents copied by the machine can be found on the copy machine’s hard drive. Please read the following 3-point list of measures, which companies should heed to safeguard their data. (...) weiterlesen


Hamburg Data Protection Authority: Data protection-conforming use of Google Analytics

The Hamburg Data Protection Authority arrived at an agreement with Google on the data protection-conforming use of Google Analytics. This agreement had been expected, according to related statements. A protracted dispute about the use of Google Analytics appears to be resolved. In the following, read about what website operators will soon have take into account. (...) weiterlesen


US-Webseite: informiert über Datenschutz in Deutschland

Das IITR hat unter eine englischsprachige Webseite zum deutschen und europäischen Datenschutzrecht veröffentlicht. Die Seite richtet sich insbesondere an amerikanische Unternehmen, die für ihre Tochterunternehmen oder Niederlassungen in Deutschland einen externen Datenschutzbeauftragten bestellen müssen. weiterlesen